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Amar Reganti

Managing Director at Wellington Management and Fixed-Income Strategist for Hartford Funds

As an investment director in Investment Products and Strategies, Amar works closely with investors to help ensure the integrity of their fixed-income investment approaches. This includes meeting regularly with fixed-income investment teams and overseeing portfolio positioning, performance, and risk exposures, as well as developing new products and client solutions and managing business issues such as capacity, fees, and guidelines. He also meets with clients, prospects, and consultants to communicate Wellington Management's investment philosophy strategy, positioning, and performance.

Prior to joining Wellington Management in 2018, he worked as a strategist at Grantham Mayo Van Otterloo on both fixed-income and asset-allocation strategies. Previously, he served as the deputy director of the Office of Debt Management at the US Treasury Department (2011–2015). He also held roles in fixed-income markets as an investment-grade portfolio manager at UBS Global Asset Management (2008–2011), a derivatives solutions strategist at Merrill Lynch (2006–2008), and a credit analyst at UBS Investment Bank (2000–2003).

He has an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business (2006), a master of science in European political economy from the London School of Economics and Political Science (2000), and a bachelor of arts from Vassar College (1999).


5 Things About Amar


He is an avid history buff and recently spent a birthday trekking across the battlefield at Gettysburg.


By making lots of mistakes, he has evolved into a passable cook. He wants to continue to take time to learn and hone his skills in the kitchen. 


A new resident of Providence, Rhode Island, he loves the sights, food, and events of the Ocean State.


He relaxes by spending time with his family and very fluffy dog, Toffee. If he wasn’t on the road so much, his wife says there would be a danger of them having a dozen dogs and substantially more dog toys.


His go-to gift for someone is an old book, hunted down at a collection or second hand bookstore, on a topic or hobby that’s important to them.

amar's Insights

Bond markets produced positive total returns as global central-bank accommodation moves pushed government bond yields lower.
Inflation and employment data provided the last bit of evidence needed by the Federal Reserve to cut policy rates.
As the Federal Reserve readies a September cut, Japan's rate moves cause a currency stir.
Most central banks have cut rates at least once. The Federal Reserve has yet to do so.
Active fixed-income approaches have historically outperformed their passive counterparts and may add value by aligning with an investor’s objectives.