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401(k), 403(b), 457



Annual compensation limit



Defined contribution limit



Elective deferral limit



Catch-up contribution limit (age 50+)






Elective deferral limit



Catch-up contribution limit (age 50+)



SEP Plans



Annual compensation limit



Employer contribution limit



Minimum compensation limit



Traditional and Roth IRAs



Annual contribution limit



Catch-up contribution limit (age 50+)



Health Savings Accounts



Annual contribution limit for family



Annual contribution limit for individual






Social Security taxable wage base



Definition limit for highly compensated employee



Definition limit for key employee



Annual benefit limit for defined benefit plans



ESOP 5-year distribution threshold



ESOP additional year threshold



Standard Deductions



Married/filing jointly and qualified widow(er)s



Additional amount for blind or age 65+



Unmarried and not a surviving spouse



Additional amount for blind or age 65+




Roth IRA Contribution Eligibility


Filing Status Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Contribution Limit
Single Individuals < $146,000 $7,000
≥ $146,000 but < $161,000 Partial Contribution
≥ $161,000
Not eligible
Married (filing joint returns); Qualifying widow(er) < $230,000 $7,000
≥ $230,000 but < $240,000 Partial Contribution
≥ $240,000 Not eligible
Married (filing separately) Not eligible
< $10,000 Partial Contribution
≥ $10,000
Not eligible


Filing Status Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) Contribution Limit
Single Individuals < $138,000 $6,500
≥ $138,000 but < $153,000 Partial Contribution
≥ $153,000
Not eligible
Married (filing joint returns); Qualifying widow(er) < $218,000 $6,500
≥ $218,000 but < $228,000 Partial Contribution
≥ $228,000 Not eligible
Married (filing separately) Not eligible
< $10,000 Partial Contribution
≥ $10,000
Not eligible

To learn more about maximizing your retirement savings, talk to your financial professional and tax professional.

Sources: IRS Notice 2023-75; IRS Rev. Proc. 2023-23; IRS Rev. Proc. 2023-34; www.ssa.gov

This information has been prepared from sources believed reliable but the accuracy and completeness of the information cannot be guaranteed. This material and/or its contents are current at the time of writing and are subject to change without notice.

This content is not intended to be investment or fiduciary advice.

Hartford Funds does not provide legal or tax advice. Shareholders should consult a legal or tax professional for additional information. 

This information is provided for information purposes only.


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